I Feel Fine (The Beatles) - STING 21607   (Mike Davey)


 (Opener, Middle Break & Closer): Circle Left:

Baby's good to me, you know - she's happy as can be

- you know she said so …..

Walk Around the Corner Girl - See Saw ‘round your own.

Men Star Right turn it one time you know

Baby says she's mine, you know - she tells me Allemande Left

you know you - Swing your girl and you Promenade

I'm in love with her and I feel fine, yeah

I'm in love with her and I feel fine 



 (Figure): Heads Flutterwheel - then you Sweep ONE Quarter

Pass Thru - hey Pass The Ocean here - Spin The Top and then - Boys Run to the Right

You Bend The Line - Reverse Flutterwheel bring that lady home with you and then - Slide Thru

Swing the Corner - take her by the hand and you Promenade

She's in love with me and I feel fine, yeah

She's in love with me and I feel fine



 (Tag): Swing your girl

She's in love with me -  - and I feel fine……Yeah………





Baby's good to me, you know - she's happy as can be, you know
She said so    -    -    -  

I'm in love with her and I feel fine
Baby says she's mine, you know - she tells me all the time, you know
She said so    -    -    -  

I'm in love with her and I feel fine


I'm so glad that she's my little girl
She's so glad, she's telling all the world
That her baby buys her things, you know - he buys her diamond rings, you know
She said so    -    -    -  

She's in love with me and I feel fine, mmm