Let’s Get Away From It All   (Frank Sinatra) - STING 22210   (Paul Bristow)


 (Opener & Closer): SIDES FACE GRAND SQUARE:

Let's take a boat to Bermuda - let's take a plane to Saint Paul
Let's grab a kayak to Quincy or Nyack - let's get away from it all

Four Ladies Chain - Let's take a trip in a trailer - Chain Them Back -

No need to come back at all - Promenade

Let's take a powder - to Boston for chowder - let's get away from it all


(Closer & Final Tag): Let's leave our hut, dear - Get out of our rut, dear

                                                                                             - Let's ---- get away ---- from it all



HEADS SPIN THE TOP - around you do - move up - and then you - SWING THRU - EXTEND


And then - SCOOTBACK across - and you SWING with - your Corner Girl - PROMENADE

Let's leave our hut, dear - Get out of our rut, dear - Let's get away from it all


 (Figure 2): Let's take a powder - to Boston for chowder - Let's get away from it all


 (Figure 3): Let's take a powder - to Boston for chowder - Let's get away from it all


 (Figure 4): Let's grab a kayak - to Quincy or Nyack - Let's get away from it all




Let's go again to Niagara - this time we'll peek at the fall
Let's leave our hut, dear - get out of our rut, dear - let's get away from it all

Four Ladies Chain - Let's take a trip in a trailer - Chain Them Back -

No need to come back at all - Promenade

Let's grab a kayak - to Quincy or Nyack - let's get away from it all





Let's take a boat to Bermuda
Let's take a plane to Saint Paul
Let's grab a kayak to Quincy or Nyack
Let's get away from it all


Let's take a trip in a trailer
No need to come back at all
Let's take a powder to Boston for chowder
Let's get away from it all


We'll travel 'round from town to town
We'll visit every state
I'll repeat that "I love you sweet!"
In all the forty-eight


Let's go again to Niag'ra
This time we'll peek at the Fall
Let's leave our hut, dear
Get out of our rut, dear
Let's get away from it all


We'll travel 'round from town to town
We'll visit ev'ry state
And I'll repeat that "I love you sweet!"
In all the forty-eight


Let's go again to Niag'ra
This time we'll dig the Fall
Let's leave our hut, dear
Get out of our rut, dear
Let's get away from it all